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abandoned dog

Roo was thrown from a car

A skinny, matted dog is receiving treatment and care after being thrown from a car in Birmingham.

RSPCA seeks dog’s owner after rescuing stricken pooch from gate

The animal welfare charity is keen to trace the Labrador’s owners after freeing her from a tight spot.

RSPCA officers are appealing to the public to help them track down the owner of a dog who needed rescuing this week after getting stuck in a metal gate in Kent.

The animal welfare charity was contacted in the early hours of Thursday morning (31 May) by a woman who found the dog trapped between the metal bars of her garden gate.


Appeal for information about poorly abandoned pups

German shepherd cross lurchers had lice and worms.

The RSPCA is appealing for information after six puppies were dumped near the canal in Rishton, Lancashire.

The three boys and three girls - thought to be German shepherd cross lurchers - were found last Tuesday (23 January) in a compound used for storing cars on Harwood Road.

RSPCA inspector Nina Small said: “The owner of the compound confined the puppies in a car until I could get there.

“When I opened the car door they were all huddled together on the back seat.


RSPCA rescue bald puppy abandoned after Christmas

The skinny and freezing puppy found abandoned inside bag for life
A 10-week-old puppy is lucky to be alive after she was dumped in a bag and left in a wood in freezing conditions in Stockton-on-Tees.

Thankfully, two members of the public discovered the puppy in a Sports Direct Bag for Life in the woods near Lowfields Avenue in Ingleby Barwick at about 12.30pm on December 28 (Thursday).

The small dog is virtually bald, covered in scabs, very thin and was freezing cold and hungry when she was found.


Lurcher Ella is recovering in RSPCA care after being dumped on the street in a bad condition

A Lurcher who was tied to a fence and abandoned in February of this year is doing well in the care of the RSPCA. The moment that Ella was abandoned was caught on CCTV, and the RSPCA is ongoing, but the dogs is recovering from her ordeal.

When Ella was found, the freezing, skinny Lurcher was curled up on the floor in an effort to keep warm. Due to a skin condition, she had lost a lot of fur, which meant her skin was exposed to the harsh weather, leaving it even more sore than it had been.


RSPCA appeals for information on pedigree Bulldog found abandoned on the street

The RSPCA is appealing for information about a pedigree Victorian Bulldog found abandoned in Dagenham, East London.

They have named the tan-and-white female dog Princess, and estimate her age to be around 5 years old. She was found by a member of the public on Academy Way on Monday, 6th February, in the early hours of the morning. No only severely underweight, poor Princess was poorly, with a damaged tail and overgrown nails. She is beginning her recovery and receiving treatment from the charity.


Hermaphrodite Staffie seeks special home

We’ve covered quite a few unusual dogs in need of a forever home on DogCast Radio, but I can’t recall one quite like Jodie before. Jodie is an older Staffordshire bull terrier, and as such is not an uncommon resident of a rescue shelter. But Jodie is extremely unusual in one respect – she is a hermaphrodite. This means that she has the reproductive organs of both sexes.

The RSPCA took Jodie in when her previous owner abandoned her, and they are now seeking a special home for her. The search is proving to be a challenge.


Abandoned Lurcher puppies recovering at the RSPCA

These Lurcher puppies are recovering from being dumped on a doorstep just before Christmas 2016. They are in the care of the RSPCA.

Mother and daughter Chihuahuas seek special home

Most dogs who are found as strays face a challenging future – but two Chihuahuas who were recently found abandoned at the side of a busy road faced extra challenges. The poor, tiny dogs were not only dumped by the roadside, but one was blind and one was missing a foot.


Designer puppy problem

This puppy was taken in by the RSPCA after being found abandoned.


277 - Tripawd Superdogs, GB Senior Agility World Championship Team, Tuk's Law and the escapee kitten saved by a dog

In a bumper, bonanza, bulging at the seams episode, hear the inspiring story of the Tripawd Superdogs inspired by photographer Sarah Loveland's own three legged dog. History in the making, as the first British team enters the Senior Agility World Championships. Tuk’s Law campaigns to stop dogs and other pets being put down without the owner's knowledge. Daisy the escapee kitten was saved by a search and rescue dog, and her story is worthy of a Disney movie!

189 - The Dog Healers and War Dogs Remembered

In this episode you can hear Mark Winik talk about his debut novel, The Dog Healers, and listen to Julia Robertson explain why she founded the charity War Dogs remembered. Plus there's the DogCast Radio News, and what Mischief the German Spitz puppy has been up to.

188 - Service Dogs UK and Roxie the Doxie Finds Her Forever Home

In this episode you can hear about Service Dogs UK, a fantastic charity which trains assistance dogs to support veterans of any service - military personnel, police, firefighters, paramedics and the coastguard - who develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to their job. Also, listen to Dr Jody A Dean, a clinical psychologist talk about how her book, Roxie the Doxie finds her Forever Home, is helping children understand and talk about adoption and other family issues. Plus the DogCast Radio News and some thoughts on the alpha dog myth.

187 - Muffins Halo and Chorley Fun Dog Show

In this episode you can hear about Muffin's Halo for Blind Dogs, and what motivates people to enter their dog in a fun dog show. In the DogCast Radio News, listen to stories about the latest dog related research. Plus there's a new member of the DogCast Radio team!

186 - Maxwell Muir on wolves

In this episode you can hear trainer, behaviourist, writer, broadcaster and wolf expert Maxwell Muir talk about what wolves mean to him personally, their plight in a modern world, and his hopes for their future. Plus we have the DogCast Radio News.