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surf dog

Surf Dog Ricochet helps veterans with PTSD recover more quickly through her extraordinary healing power

Most people know Ricochet as the iconic surf dog that made history 10 years ago when she jumped on the board of a boy who is paralyzed, becoming the first ever canine-assisted surf therapy dog.

Since then, she’s assisted hundreds of kids with special needs and people with disabilities.
But what many people don’t know is… Ricochet is a certified goal-directed therapy dog with extraordinary healing abilities. She has been working with service members and veterans with post-traumatic stress (PTSD) for over seven years.

The connection she makes with people defies present-day scientific understanding. "Superman has x-ray vision, but Ricochet can see right into your soul", said retired Marine Staff Sergeant Persons B. Griffith IV (Griff), who suffers from combat related post-traumatic stress.

Ricochet is extremely sensitive, empathic and intuitive. She mirrors the emotions of those she works with through her subtle and not so subtle behaviors. “Somehow she knows their triggers,” said Judy Fridono, Ricochet’s guardian. “She assumes responsibility for their well-being and alerts them to potential triggers in the environment. She will stop and plant (refusing to move), or she’ll redirect them to a less anxiety provoking area”, said Fridono.

“The last time I worked with Ricochet, she alerted to a mall security guard by leading me away from the area we were in. She took it a step further by guiding me behind a bench where we were able to ‘take cover’ like I did when we took fire on the battlefield”, Griff said.

Ricochet’s behavior helps Griff (and others she works with) identify deep seated emotional trauma which can then be addressed with therapists. As a result, the healing process often advances more quickly.

Ricochet and Griff met through a six-week canine therapy clinic provided by Paws'itive Teams, and Naval Medical Center San Diego's Wounded, Ill and Injured Wellness Program.

After the clinic ended, Griff volunteered for Ricochet’s Waves of Empowerment program. From there, Griff was cast to be in the IMAX film, Superpower Dogs with Ricochet because of their soul-to-soul connection. The film premieres in March, 2019.

Both Fridono and Griff’s objective with these videos and IMAX film is that they can be a catalyst that gives hope to anyone with emotional trauma who is suffering in silence or contemplating suicide. The statistics are staggering… 22 veterans with PTSD die by suicide every day!

Fridono believes all dogs have these healing powers. Unfortunately, we often misinterpret their cues as bad behavior. In doing so, we miss the magic every dog is capable of. Her wish is that others will gain a better understanding of the sentience of dogs, and how they are always communicating with us… we just have to listen.

If you'd like to learn how to better interpret your dog's behavior, or if you'd like to unleash their healing power, please visit
If you have PTSD, please visit to discover how a pet dog, emotional support dog or service dog can help you.

Poem by Griff
Photos by Heart Dog Studios
Filming by Gear 6 Productions


Ricochet helping veteran with ptsd

Retired Marine with PTSD says "Ricochet has soul vision…
she can see right into your soul."

Ricochet helps veteran

Retired Marine with PTSD says "Ricochet has soul vision…
she can see right into your soul."

Ricochet helps veteran with ptsd

Retired Marine with PTSD says "Ricochet has soul vision…
she can see right into your soul."

Ricochet and Sparkles raise money for Target

The latest news from Surf Dog Ricochet. DogCast Radio will have an interview with Judy Fridono later this year:



SAN DIEGO, CA, January 31, 2011… More than $5000 has been raised for


Surf raises money for Target's Bunker


Vote for Ricochet as Most Heroic Dog of 2010

I've just heard that the wonderful surfing dog Ricochet has been nominated for USA Today's Most Heroic Dog of 2010. You can read about Ricochet's story at her website, and if you haven't heard of her you're in for a treat. If you'd like to vote for Ricochet click on this link - and she's be a very worthy winner.

Take care,
Julie xx
Happy New Year!


Surf dog Ricochet helping brain injured 2 year old

More news about that amazing surf dog Ricochet:


Surf Dog Ricochet, the SURFice dog who has won several surf dog contests, and more notably inspires people around the world as she raises awareness and funds for human/animal causes, teamed up with Endless Pools, to make a brain injured two year olds dream come true!  A $11,000 therapy pool will be delivered to Finnley in the next couple weeks, as part of Ricochet's fundraiser for her.

Finnley was born with brain damage due to oxygen being cut off to her brain during delivery.  She was only expected to live one to 72 hours.  But, 2 years later... she is a living miracle!  However, her brain damage caused cerebral palsy, seizures, and vision impairment.  She's not able to walk or talk, but loves classical music.  Her cerebral palsy tightens her muscles, but when she's in a pool, she's able to move her arms and legs.  Her parents have been saving to purchase a therapeutic swimming pool for their home, so Finnley can get the daily therapy she needs, but it's very costly... over $11,000. 

When Ricochet heard about their situation, she started fundraising for Finnley right away.  Four weeks into the fundraiser, Ricochet came up with the idea of calling Endless Pools to see if they'd be willing to help her make Finnley's dream come true even sooner. 

When Endless Pools heard how Ricochet lives a lifestyle of helping others by pawing it forward, saw her SURFice Dog video, and learned more about Finnley's Story, they immediately wanted to be part of the project.  They "came to the rescue" and offered a significant special needs discount!!  The funds Ricochet raised, coupled with the discount meant the family only had to come up with $2560, which they had in an account from previous fundraising they've done.

Finnley's mom, Care was in tears when she heard the news, and said "The pool is going to allow Finnley to get the physical therapy she so desperately needs... thank you so much, I'm so grateful" And, Finnley herself, although she doesn't talk right now, broke out into a huge smile! Click this link to see it on video!
Ricochet sincerely thanks Endless Pools, and her donors for their generosity, and help in making Finnley's dream come true! 

Endless Pools, Inc was founded in 1988 to create a product that allows individuals to experience the benefits of water exercise and therapy in the comfort and privacy of their own homes.  Their company is dedicated to excellence in design and manufacturing, as well as courteous and comprehensive customer service.  Endless Pool's goal is to build and deliver an exercise machine that can be assembled easily, that offers an infinite array of installation design solutions, and requires minimal maintenance for the pool owner.  They endeavor to build Endless Pools that take up a smaller footprint, use less water, require fewer chemicals and consume less energy than traditional pools do.

Ricochet was slated to be a service dog for a person with a disability, but, due to her interest in chasing prey, she had to be released from that role.  She went from service dog to SURFice dog, and is now raising funds and awareness for human and animal causes.  She has raised over $48,000 in the last 10 months, and continues to inspire people all over the world with her positive energy, and charitable lifestyle

Note:  For more information, contact Judy Fridono at 707-228-0679 or  On Facebook & Twitter: "Surf Dog Ricochet"



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