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Episode 63 - Crufts part 2


Released Sat April 12, 2008
Length: 1:18:20
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Crufts 2008

Crufts 2008 was a celebration of all things dog, and in this show we bring you interviews with dog owners, organisations and product developers.

Crufts is spread over several halls at the Birmingham NEC, and there's so much more to it than just the show rings - although they are fascinating.

The opportunities to find out about different dog breeds, different tasks dogs can complete and abilities they have, and to see countless dog related products just go on and on.


In certain breeds grooming is crucial - a bad fur day is to be avoided at all costs.
We have interviews with a poodle owner busy combing her dog's impressive coat, and with a Yorkshire Terrier owner occupied with putting doggy curlers into her dog's hair. How much help are you allowed to give your dog's natural beauty though? And how do the dogs themselves react to all this preening and primping? Listen and find out. We also talk to a Chihuahua owner about showing procedure and what it's like to live with such a small dog.

Cancer detecting dogs and Organipets

Not all the dogs at Crufts are there to be shown, and we talked to Claire Guest from Cancer Dogs UK. She and two dogs she has been training for only a few months, demonstrated cancer detection.

Claire also told us how dogs are helping predict low blood sugar for diabetes sufferers, and how the dogs' scenting abilities will be used to develop new technology.

Claire also talked to us about one of the breeds that the Kennel Club is concerned is in decline.

Organipets was celebrating the best of British - they are one of the UK's best dog foods. We caught up with Liz to hear how her rescue dog Raffy is getting along on her Organipets diet.

Year of the Assistance Dog

2008 is the Year of the Assistance Dog. Although the right of a disabled person to take their dog with them is protected by law, they still run into prejudice and problems occasionally.

These dogs do a wonderful job, and are kept healthy and clean to ensure they pose no hygiene risks to the general public.

To hear more about the year celebrating the work of these amazing dogs, we spoke to Dogs for the Disabled Chief Executive, Peter Gorbing.

Pets as Therapy - or PAT - dogs - are also allowed into places most pet dogs can't go. These dogs are carefully selected to visit hospitals, old people's homes, schools and so on to spread the joy of interacting with dogs.

In this show you can an interview with two PAT dog owners who talk about the rewards of visiting with their dogs. We also discuss what size of dog makes a good PAT dog, since we were talking to the owner of a Pyrenean Mountain Dog.

Dog Wardens

The National Dog Warden Association was represented at Crufts, and I asked them what a Dog Warden's job really entails. They are often portrayed as a "baddy" in cartoons and films, simply intent on catching dogs - what is their role in real life?

We also have an extract from a Dog Warden's book, as Bernard Cartwright reads from his The Knocknobbler, which tells of his time working in Worcester in the UK.

Alfie's Lost Terriers

Alfie's Lost Terriers has a new name - they're now Alfie's Lost Dogs.

We spoke to Chris from Alfie's about the work the website does. The people involved - often they've had experience of their own dog go missing - are dedicated to reuniting owners with their lost or stolen dogs. The site also supports many other dog welfare issues.

If you are unfortunate enough to have your dog go missing, these are just the compassionate supportive people you need helping you.

The site is lucky enough to have its own vet - Julien Poublon. We talked to him about his role at Alfie's, as well as his own innovative site offering pet owners valuable resources to keep themselves informed and their animals healthy.

Trover Coats on TV and DockDogs

Jane Aireton and Toni Cherrett from Trover Coats were at Crufts with some exciting news.

They have been involved in filming for a new ITV1 show, Dog Rescue. Through the show Jane came to adopt a Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross who has a hair lip, which makes him too "ugly" for most people. Now the little dog has found a great new home with Jane, a new job as he is the company mascot, and of course a new name - Trover.

Trover Coats also launched the 2008 series of events for DockDogs in the UK at Crufts. We have an interview with Grant Reeves, the CEO of DockDogs, about why the sport is so popular with dogs and owners, and what it actually involves.

New dog products at crufts

We bring you the best of the shopping at Crufts, with the world's most advanced dog collar, the device that cleans your dogs muddy paws, and some intriguing puzzles to help occupy your dog.

All this, plus the DogCast Radio News. Many of you tell us you listen while out walking your dogs - so grab that lead and start listening!


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