Length: 0:55:33
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Galen Myotherapy
- Julia Robertson
This episode is an in-depth look at Galen Myotherapy. This is a hands on therapy, which was founded by Julia Robertson in 2002. Galen therapy allows the dog to choose whether to participate or not, and works with his body to encourage healing. The treatment achieves amazing results, and you can listen in on a session, as Julia treats Milo, with his owner Lucie sitting alongside them both. Julia also teaches owners how to do Galen for their own dog, empowering humans and enriching life for dogs.
Galen can be very effective in helping dogs cope with arthritis, and Julia was introduced to the show by Hannah Capon, who runs Canine Arthritis Management (CAM). You can hear an interview about CAM with Hannah in Episode 182. To find out more about Galen Myotherapy visit their Canine Therapy website, go to their Facebook page, their Twitter feed, or check out their Instagram photos.
Listener's News
We are lucky enough to receive lovely feedback at DogCast Radio, and we had an extra lovely email this week. John and Cathy are Australian, living in the Netherlands, and a year ago adopted a 6 month old dog called Rocky. John and Cathy emailed to say that as Rocky was their first dog, they had searched online for reliable information, and found DogCast Radio extremely helpful. Not only do John and Cathy regularly listen, but Rocky settles down to listen when he hears the them music. How lovely is that? Rocky recently celebrated his first birthday and is now leading a wonderful life with all his needs met - we love a happy ever after!
Read John, Cathy & Rocky's blogposts here - http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/dommelpad