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Episode 182 - Canine Arthritis Management and The Buddy Foundation of Maryland


Released Sat April 8, 2017
Length: 1:10:11
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Canine Arthritis Management

The concept that a dog in so much discomfort from arthritis chooses not to walk efficiently for months, if not years, loses the muscle mass in their back legs, and they therefore lose the ability to stand up is quite a horrible concept.
 - Hannah Capon
I'm looking to develop something called the Canine Arthritis Foundation, which will be a way that academics, researchers, people that have a hell of a lot of knowledge can start delivering it to the public in a very proactive, controlled way.
 - Hannah Capon

When veterinarian Hannah Capon had to put two dogs down in the same day due to arthritis, it set her down the track which led her to found Canine Arthritis Management. Arthritis is not inevitable, there are things we can do to reduce its impact on our dogs, and we need to arm ourselves with knowledge so we can spot the signs of it in our dogs, and we can then put simple steps in place to help them. Hannah is setting out to make the Canine Arthritis Management website a resource for owners to educate and inform themselves - and to share advice with others in the same situation. Even if your dog isn't yet affected by arthritis, it's well worth checking the CAM site out. You can also connect with CAM on Facebook and Twitter.

The Buddy Foundation of Maryland

We are a non-profit organisation, in Baltimore. We offer emotional and financial support to dog owners whose dogs are in need of surgical care whose families are against the wall and have no resources to pull from to make those surgeries and treatments possible.
 - Jay Dackman

Life with a dog can be expensive, and never more so than when they need surgery, plus of course that can be a very worrying, stressful time, so that's exactly when many of us need some help. Luckily kindness and compassion does exist in the world and one shining example of this is The Buddy Foundation of Maryland. Jay Dackman founded the foundation, and the inspiration was his dog Buddy an adorable Basset Hound. In this interview, Executive Director Melinda Cianos talks about the work the foundation does, the dogs they help, and the way they empower owners to help themselves and other owners too. Find out more at The Buddy Foundation of Maryland website, and keep up with them on Facebook and Twitter.



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