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Episode 171 - Flatcoat Walkies and How to Foster Dogs


Released Sun July 17, 2016
Length: 1:11:26
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How to Foster Dogs

I saw an interesting thing online the other day, and I don't know how you'd answer it, but the question was - given the choice would you prefer to give one dog a thousand good days, or a thousand dogs one good day?
 - Pat Miller

Having a foster home to go to can vastly improve a dog's chances of being rehomed into a permanent home for a variety of reasons, but  it can require a variety of skills from the fosterer. It's immensely rewarding, but still misunderstood, so expert Pat Miller explains what fostering a dog is really about, what support you should expect from the rescue organisation, how things can be complicated if you foster for a friend, and how to cope with the day your foster dog goes to his new home. As well as being the author of  How to Foster Dogs: From Homeless to Homeward Bound, Pat was a humane officer at the Marin Humane Society in California, before qualifying as a CPDT trainer and opening her own training establishment, Peaceable Paws. She is also the training editor of  The Whole Dog Journal. You cam find out more about Pat and the book How to Foster Dogs: From Homeless to Homeward Bound at the Peaceable Paws website, or at the Dogwise site.

Flatcoat Walkies

I saw an interesting thing online the other day, and I don't know how you'd answer it, but the question was - given the choice would you prefer to give one dog a thousand good days, or a thousand dogs one good day?
 - Pat Miller

Many of us fall in love with a breed, and that's just what Peter de Clercq did when he discovered Flatcoat Retrievers. The breed is not common, so chances to meet a fellow Flattie enthusiast were few and far between, and thus Flatcoat Walkies was born. Flatcoat Walkies started as a group in the UK to allow Flatcoat Retriever owners to meet up and walk together, but it has since grown to include groups in other countries, and to raise money for charity. Peter also gives us insights into what life is like with  a Flatcoat - and according to him it's pretty great. He also talks about why his dogs are extra special to him, and abut an exciting Flatcoat Walkies event coming up in September. You can find out more about Flatcoat Walkies on their website or their Facebook page. Find out more about Flatcoat Retriever Rehoming here.


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