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Mayhew Supporters Raise Funds to Replace Stolen Animal Ambulance

In August last year, one of Mayhew’s vital animal ambulances was sadly stolen and was never returned to them or reported as found.

But this week the London-based animal welfare charity are delighted to announce that, thanks to their generous supporters raising over £17k, they have been able to receive a new, replacement ambulance.

Mayhew’s animal ambulances are important to their work as they rely on them to help transport the hundreds of sick and injured animals they rescue every year. They were devastated when their trusty Suzuki Carrier was stolen.

To ensure they could get back on the road as soon as possible, Mayhew put out an appeal to their supporters, and were overwhelmed with the incredible, generous response.

Mayhew’s CEO, Caroline Yates, said: “From all of us at Mayhew, we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who kindly donated to help raise funds to replace our stolen ambulance.

“Mayhew ambulances have been on the road helping thousands of animals since 1925, being an ambulance down had a big impact on the number of animals we were able to rescue. The response we received from our amazing supporters was incredible and we are grateful to everyone who helped us in a time of need.

“We also want to say a special thank you to the wonderful Myers family who generously donated a large sum towards our new animal ambulance in memory of their beloved dogs, past and present.”

From this week their new ambulance has been back on the road rescuing animals. The new, larger and safer van is an electronic model which will help save Mayhew money in the future by being more efficient, as well as being exempt from various road taxes and congestion charges.

Every year Mayhew’s Animal Welfare Officers and Community Vet Clinic respond to hundreds of animals in need. Find out more about their vital work by visiting


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