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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed profile

Training and intelligence
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel wants to please. They are generally easy dogs to train, as they are clever and biddable. Cavaliers are naturally clean, which makes housetraining easier.

Cavlier King Charles Spaniels are renown for being excellent and close companions for children. However, do make sure that children are gentle with this small dog, especially if you bring the dog in as a puppy. Cavaliers can be very active, although they are cuddly too, and relish curling up on your lap.

Attitude towards strange dogs and people
Although they are very peaceful dogs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels will probably bark to alert you to the fact that someone in approaching the house. They view everyone as a friend, and are not a problem with strange people or dogs. They can however have a tendency to shyness, so socialisation is necessary.

Grooming and shedding
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel's coat can tangle, so at least weekly grooming and combing is necessary. They do shed, although brushing and bathing will help decrease shedding around the house.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are playful, active dogs. They can build up to considerable exercise gradually.

Need for company
Separation anxiety can be a problem with Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. They bond very closely with their family, and want to be with them as much as possible, and if possible in contact with them.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are versatile dogs - they are active enough to make excellent playmates for children, yet gentle enough to happily keep older, more sedentary people company. Their friendly outlook and portable size makes them a popular choice as a family pet.


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