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Labrador Retriever breed profile

Training and intelligence
Labrador Retrievers want to please, are fast learners, and very motivated by food. Labradors have an intelligence, which they may find more motivation to apply if there is an advantage to themselves in the task.

Labrador Retrievers are in the main affectionate and enthusiastic. As puppies and young dogs they have an exuberance which can get them into trouble if left unchecked. As adults, they are usually friendly, energetic companions, who live to be with their people, and adore the whole family.

Attitude towards strange dogs and people
Everyone is a potential friend to a Labrador Retriever, and they greet as such. Aggression is rarely a problem, although individuals may give warning barks in the house to alert of danger.

Grooming and shedding
Grooming is minimal with the short coated Labrador Retriever. This breed sheds heavily, although wiping over with a damp cloth, and bathing helps. Invest in a good vacuum!

Labrador Retrievers thrive on exercise, having lots of energy, and being very playful. They relish free running and retrieving games.

Need for company
They long to be with their people, but Labrador Retrievers can take short periods of being left if brought up to it. Not suitable for kennel living.

It is for good reason that the Labrador Retriever is the most popular breed in the world. Despite their enthusiasm or perhaps because of it and even though they shed heavily, they are loving family members with lots of patience.
Puppies should not be over-exercised until the skeleton has fully developed, and ensure parent dogs have been hip, shoulder and eye tested don’t set yourself up for heartbreak. These are large, heavy set, exuberant dogs, but will love you 100%, and are worth putting the effort in for.


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