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Poppy needed help when she "popped" through a fence!

A dog on the run after escaping from her home ended up in a bit of a tight spot - wedged between fence railings!

Little long-haired Jack Russell terrier Poppy was found stuck in the metal fence in Danson Park, Bexleyheath, on Thursday lunchtime (27 July) by a member of the public.

Initially, it was thought the pooch was a stray and the RSPCA were called to help free the stricken canine.

Animal collection officer (ACO) Kirstie Gillard rushed to help little Poppy along with Kent Fire & Rescue Service. She said: “The terrier had got herself well and truly wedged between the railings.

“She must have been running at some speed as her head and her two front legs were both through the gap with her body wedged between the two metal railings around her tummy.

“I don’t know how she did it, there was no give in those bars!

“She was quite nervous and probably very uncomfortable so we set to work right away carefully trying to free her.

“I’d like to say a big thank you to Kent Fire & Rescue Service for helping us release Poppy.”

They stretched the bars to release poor Poppy before pushing them back into their original shape.

Once free, Poppy was taken to a nearby vet for a check-up and they soon discovered that Poppy had actually escaped from the garden of her home half a mile away.

The five-year-old terrier’s owner, Julia Clifford, was relieved to have her pet back: “It was actually a Godsend that she got stuck in that fence because it could well have saved her life.

“I was so relieved that she was home, safe and sound, and hadn’t run into the road or been hit by a car.”

The cheeky mutt had escaped from the garden after builders working on an extension removed the fence panels and replaced them with a makeshift barrier which she soon managed to squeeze through.

“I’m so pleased little Poppy wasn’t hurt and we were able to release her from her pickle and get her back home where she belongs,” ACO Gillard added.

“She certainly had quite an adventure so I’m glad to hear she’s off to have a hair cut and enjoy some pampering this week - and I hope she stays out of trouble!”

Anyone who sees an animal in distress or is concerned for an animal’s welfare should call the RSPCA’s 24-hour emergency hotline on 0300 1234 999.

To help the RSPCA continue rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming animals in desperate need of care please visit: or text LOVE to 87023 to give £3 (Text costs £3 + one standard network rate message).


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