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Battersea’s flexible felines show off their moves for International Yoga Day

From downward-facing cats to strays who stretch, the residents of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home’s cattery are feline flexible and showing off their moggie moves today to mark International Yoga Day.

The world renowned charity have an average of 220 cats across their three centres at any one time who are all practising their best balanced yoga moves in the hope of attracting a new home fur life.

Amongst Battersea’s cats on mats is five year old Chico who definitely values zen and calm in his life, he emits a peaceful aura and is waiting patiently for someone to snap him up and welcome him into their life, where he can offer harmony to a caring home. After being a resident at Battersea’s London Cattery since the beginning of May and also originally being here as a kitten, he wants nothing more than a new home to stretch out in a new home with someone who loves him.

Gorgeous Gato is a bendy black and white chap and the gentle giant of Battersea’s Cattery. He arrived after his owner could no longer look after him and has been practising his best moves not only to de-stress but to burn some calories! Gato is looking for new owners with a garden so he can continue his feline fitness plan to help him lose some weight.

Battersea’s Cattery Team Leader, JoAnna Puzzo, says: “If there were an Olympic event for stretching, our Battersea cats would win gold. Whether it’s stretching out after a catnap or getting into that purrfect position to scratch and groom themselves, they're constantly stretching their muscles, likely for many of the same reasons that people do.

Jo continued: “Just as people may practice yoga as a form of relaxation, we do a huge amount of work at Battersea to tackle stress head on and improve the lives of over 3,000 cats that we care for every year so what better way to celebrate the calm of International Yoga Day than with our tranquil tabbies. We really hope Chico and Gato’s moggie moves help to bring them and their fellow flexible felines some positive vibes and the loving new homes they all deserve.”

If you think any of our charismatic cats on mats could be your purrfect companion, please contact 0843 509 4444 or visit


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