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Stressful statistics

I'm amazed - and horrified - at the statistics below:

Are we really a nation of animal lovers?
A quarter give their pets away when they move home

While our beloved pets are always said to be an integral part of the family, almost a quarter of people (24%) admit to getting rid of their pet when they move home.
That’s according to new research which shows people are giving their pets to family, friends, neighbours or even a rescue home when the removals van turns up. Nearly 2% of people surveyed even admitted leaving their cat in the neighbourhood when they’ve moved.

But our reputation as a nation of animal lovers might be intact, as it appears that pet owners may be sparing their pets the stress of a house move by giving them away.

Cat Behaviour Counsellor Vicky Halls explains, “A house move can be a stressful experience, especially for cats. As territorial animals they find coping with a new environment particularly difficult and often show stress-related behaviours like urine spraying and scratch marking. While I would never advocate abandoning a cat, it may be that rehoming the animal in the area is the kindest thing to do and will avoid problems for both the cat and owner later on.”

The poll of more than 1,000 pet owners shows most people (65%) think moving home is equally as stressful or even more stressful for their pets as it is for them. Almost a fifth (16.3%) say it took their pet over two weeks to adjust to their new surroundings, with many pets becoming confused (27%), nervous (24%) or unhappy (19%).

Research, commissioned on behalf of leading pet behaviour products Feliway and DAP, shows even those people who think they’re doing the best for their animals by putting them in a cattery or a kennel whilst they’re on holiday, may be causing stress for their furry friends. Almost half of pet owners (45%) claim their animals meowed or whined sadly, were agitated, shook or hid as a result. So just what is the best way of ensuring your pets are kept happy during a move, or when you go on holiday?

Juliet Penaliggon, company vet from Ceva Animal Health, manufacturer of Feliway and DAP says  “Pet owners who are aware of the stress that these changes can potentially cause to their animals, can help their pets adapt to challenging situations at any key stages of their life. I would encourage worried owners to ask their vet for advice before the move and investigate using products like Feliway and DAP to help the animal settle in the new home”

For more information visit


277 - Tripawd Superdogs, GB Senior Agility World Championship Team, Tuk's Law and the escapee kitten saved by a dog

In a bumper, bonanza, bulging at the seams episode, hear the inspiring story of the Tripawd Superdogs inspired by photographer Sarah Loveland's own three legged dog. History in the making, as the first British team enters the Senior Agility World Championships. Tuk’s Law campaigns to stop dogs and other pets being put down without the owner's knowledge. Daisy the escapee kitten was saved by a search and rescue dog, and her story is worthy of a Disney movie!

189 - The Dog Healers and War Dogs Remembered

In this episode you can hear Mark Winik talk about his debut novel, The Dog Healers, and listen to Julia Robertson explain why she founded the charity War Dogs remembered. Plus there's the DogCast Radio News, and what Mischief the German Spitz puppy has been up to.

188 - Service Dogs UK and Roxie the Doxie Finds Her Forever Home

In this episode you can hear about Service Dogs UK, a fantastic charity which trains assistance dogs to support veterans of any service - military personnel, police, firefighters, paramedics and the coastguard - who develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to their job. Also, listen to Dr Jody A Dean, a clinical psychologist talk about how her book, Roxie the Doxie finds her Forever Home, is helping children understand and talk about adoption and other family issues. Plus the DogCast Radio News and some thoughts on the alpha dog myth.

187 - Muffins Halo and Chorley Fun Dog Show

In this episode you can hear about Muffin's Halo for Blind Dogs, and what motivates people to enter their dog in a fun dog show. In the DogCast Radio News, listen to stories about the latest dog related research. Plus there's a new member of the DogCast Radio team!

186 - Maxwell Muir on wolves

In this episode you can hear trainer, behaviourist, writer, broadcaster and wolf expert Maxwell Muir talk about what wolves mean to him personally, their plight in a modern world, and his hopes for their future. Plus we have the DogCast Radio News.