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Calling more naughty dogs

No sooner does Victoria Stilwell put out an appeal for anyone interested in appearing in It's Me or the Dog, than Cesar Milan is on the lookout for dog problems to solve! He is particularly interested in Australian problem dogs. Anyone dealing with, "unusual phobias, obsessions, fearful behavior, aggression, or any other unique situations that Cesar could help transform" should make a short five to seven minute video. To find out more details go to this page. If you live in America you can make a tape too, and details are on this page.

It always amazes me when I watch Victoria Stilwell or Cesar Milan at work, how bad a situation some people are willing to put up with. I suppose problems develop slowly and worsen over time, and because we love our dogs, it takes a lot to push us to the edge. Also, one person's problem behaviour is another person's acceptable behaviour. For example I love my Lab nudging me or attention, but other people find it irritating. Solution - stop asking those people to my house. It might not be what Cesar or Victoria would come up with, but each to his own.

What is also amazing is how these trainers do find training regimes that fix apparently unfixable problems. I do like positive reward-based dog training. At the end of the day, I think it boils down to show the dog, reward the dog, and repeat as necessary. Hey that doesn't sound bad - if I get me a pair of knee length boots like Ms Stilwell (check out the UK outfit she wears, it's toned down for the US version) or a cute accent like like Mr Milan, maybe I could get a TV show?

For now though I'll stick to radio, and the latest episode, including a must-listen interview with Dr. Dawn Marcus author of Fit as Fido, and an insight into a day in the life of a successful Dogs Trust Centre is available now - Episode 87.

Take care,

Julie x


277 - Tripawd Superdogs, GB Senior Agility World Championship Team, Tuk's Law and the escapee kitten saved by a dog

In a bumper, bonanza, bulging at the seams episode, hear the inspiring story of the Tripawd Superdogs inspired by photographer Sarah Loveland's own three legged dog. History in the making, as the first British team enters the Senior Agility World Championships. Tuk’s Law campaigns to stop dogs and other pets being put down without the owner's knowledge. Daisy the escapee kitten was saved by a search and rescue dog, and her story is worthy of a Disney movie!

189 - The Dog Healers and War Dogs Remembered

In this episode you can hear Mark Winik talk about his debut novel, The Dog Healers, and listen to Julia Robertson explain why she founded the charity War Dogs remembered. Plus there's the DogCast Radio News, and what Mischief the German Spitz puppy has been up to.

188 - Service Dogs UK and Roxie the Doxie Finds Her Forever Home

In this episode you can hear about Service Dogs UK, a fantastic charity which trains assistance dogs to support veterans of any service - military personnel, police, firefighters, paramedics and the coastguard - who develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to their job. Also, listen to Dr Jody A Dean, a clinical psychologist talk about how her book, Roxie the Doxie finds her Forever Home, is helping children understand and talk about adoption and other family issues. Plus the DogCast Radio News and some thoughts on the alpha dog myth.

187 - Muffins Halo and Chorley Fun Dog Show

In this episode you can hear about Muffin's Halo for Blind Dogs, and what motivates people to enter their dog in a fun dog show. In the DogCast Radio News, listen to stories about the latest dog related research. Plus there's a new member of the DogCast Radio team!

186 - Maxwell Muir on wolves

In this episode you can hear trainer, behaviourist, writer, broadcaster and wolf expert Maxwell Muir talk about what wolves mean to him personally, their plight in a modern world, and his hopes for their future. Plus we have the DogCast Radio News.